Calm in the Storm

Calm in the Storm

Four steps to finding some balance during Covid-19

As the last two weeks have unfolded with news report after news report and mandates to stay home/work from home, I tried to wrap my mind around exactly how to move forward in a way that would best serve my family, my business, my health, and the health of the community. I am sure that many of you were doing exactly the same thing and continue to as things change from day to day. So in this time of uncertainty let’s work to find our balance, stay calm, and take it one day at a time.

Step 1 - Create Space

We are home trying to work, play, workout, teach and parent in some cases. This brings all that we do under one roof and with it, some complications. So creating space can be a huge help with finding some calm in the storm. Here are two ways to create space:

  1. Create a Physical Space- Make it look and feel different in an area of your home to help the lines between work and home stay a little clearer.

    • Designate a corner for your work station.

    • Take over an extra room for your office.

    • Rearrange the furniture to section off some work space for yourself or school place for your kids.

    • Create a play area for the kids.

    • Put up a curtain background for all of your new virtual meetings.

  2. Create Mental Space-There is a lot of information coming at us right now regarding the actions we should take involving Covid-19 as well as all the information our companies are sending to communicate and shift focus at this time. It is important to create some mental space.

    • Turn off the news and take a break from it.

    • Take 10 minute breaks through out the day to stop and breath - write down three things you are grateful for today.

    • Journal - How are you feeling, what do you need , and what is going right?

Step 2 - Keep Moving

Some of us had an active lifestyle before this situation and some of us did not, but let’s all keep moving! The exercise community has risen to the occasion during this social distancing and is live streaming all kinds of classes that you can do at home. So for both your mental and physical health, jump into the opportunity to try new workouts from home. If the classes don’t excite you then, go for a walk, dance in your living room or just sit and stretch for a few minutes a day. What ever you decide to do, let it move you!

Step 3- Try Something New

For most of us our schedules got cleared of most everything outside of work and home. So this frees up some space to try something new! Let this time ignite your creativity and grow your knowledge. While the venue is limited…there are still lots of options:

  • Oder a DIY kit from etsy

  • It might be time to learn a language

  • Polish up some of your dance moves with a You Tube class

  • A new board game

  • Learn a new skill

  • Work on learning an instrument

  • Take a class online

Step 4 - Stay Connected

Although we have been asked to distance ourselves physically from our community and friends we can still connect socially. Technology affords us so many wonderful ways to stay connected! So meet up virtually, call your friends, check on the people in your life that live alone, talk to your neighbor over the fence, and write a letter or two. Remind yourself and others that we are in this together!

So as we continue to stay at home/work at home and practice social distancing, take care of yourself. Remember that this is all of our first time in this situation, so give yourself and others grace. Look for the joy and blessings that are woven into this difficult time. Lastly, let’s just take it one day at a time and we will get through it.


To the One Amazing You

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