Taking Time for Self Care- When You Need it the Most

Taking Time for Self Care- When You Need it the Most

Who doesn't love a spa day or a girls weekend?!? I know I love it, but I also know they are few and far between. It is not because I can’t see the value of taking the time for self care, it is because my time is full of things I also care very much about: being a wife, a mother, and running my coaching business.

This is the story for so many of us. Our lives are full. Sometimes with many wonderful things going on and sometimes with many stressful things. Either way, a full schedule can lead to feeling out of balance and in need of self care. Usually this happens when we truly feel we have NO time to spare. So rather than wait until we have the time and continue feeling out-of-control, let’s look at how we can make self care happen when we need it most.

Everyday self-care:

Step 1

What do you need-

  • What brings you a feeling of peace?

  • What do you crave during busy times?

  • When do you feel loved?

  • When do you feel calm?

The answers to the questions above help you recognize what you might need for your self-care.


  1. a cup of tea

  2. quiet

  3. when someone anticipates my needs

  4. when I’m out in nature

Step 2


After you realize what you need in the busy moments of life its time to break it into actions.

So, if you need exercise…make a list of exercises you can do in 20 min or less.

If you need quiet…make a list of quiet places you enjoy that are accessible daily.

If you need laughter…make a list of friends and shows that bring a smile to your face.

If you need creativity…make a list of fun creative activities that you can do in 20min or less.

If you need compassion…make a list of ways to show yourself compassion that takes 20min or less.

Step 3


Now you make your plan of attack!

Pick 1-3 slots in your day to care for yourself. These are 10-20min time slots.

Put them on your calendar as an appointment and be specific:

Wednesday 23/ 10:20 am- walk the park for 10 minutes by my office. Enjoy the fresh air

Life gets busy for all of us, but remember that you are the engine behind all of the busyness. You need to make sure the engine is tuned up and full of fuel in order to keep moving forward. Plan mini-moments of self-care into everyday. You will feel better and be more efficient and present in the rest of the areas on your schedule.

Take care of you, you are worth it!

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